
Oct 16, 2024

October 2024 newsletter

October 2024 newsletter

October 2024 newsletter

October 2024 newsletter

October 2024 newsletter

October 2024 newsletter

Welcome to the very first edition of Quesma’s newsletter! 🎉 We’re so glad you’re here.

We’ve spent the last nine months building something we believe will reshape how data architects think about their database architecture. This issue highlights not just what we’ve built, but the changes we’re seeing across the industry—a quiet, accelerating shift in how databases and innovation collide.

Now, without further ado, here’s what we’ve been up to. Expect these updates monthly as we continue making big moves.

Inside this issue

  • What’s Quesma again?

  • September community events recap

  • Early Access Preview II release

  • Announcing our technical partnership with Hydrolix

  • Our latest SQL invention: Pancakes

  • Interesting reads

What’s Quesma again?

At Quesma, we’re not just building another database tool—we’re redefining how applications and data interact. Our database gateway enables the UI and the database to evolve independently, giving businesses the freedom to innovate without losing ground in the competitive landscape. Think of it like breaking down a monolith in the microservices era: you can change your database without disrupting your app, and vice versa.

Our translator converts Elastic’s query language into SQL, allowing companies to seamlessly transition from Elasticsearch/OpenSearch to high-performance databases like ClickHouse—all while keeping the rest of the Elastic ecosystem intact. Tools like Logstash and Kibana stay connected, enabling teams to supercharge their infrastructure without changing the analysis tools or data pipelines they already know and love.

Sound cool? We think so too. Read on for more details 👇

September community events recap

September was a whirlwind of community events for us, and we loved every moment of it. Engaging with the developer community is where we learn the most about how to make our product even better. A huge thank you to everyone we met during the September events—your feedback is truly invaluable!

Quesma was at:

  • the Open Source Summit in Vienna, and we learned something important: in a world of fast-paced open-source evolution, we often find ourselves on the edge of the map—where the rules are still being written.

  • #AWSCloudDay in Warsaw, where, among the many highlights, we had the pleasure of hanging out with the creator and CTO of ClickHouse, diving deep into the future of data architecture.

  • #DevOpsDays in London exposed a paradox every innovator faces: people recognize the challenges they’re up against, but the will to act often lags behind. Why? Because juggling multiple tools and systems feels safer than embracing a unified solution. The pain is there, but the urgency to fix it remains elusive—for now.

It’s these kinds of conversations that make us push harder to deliver a product that not only solves problems but changes minds.

We’ll be on the road again soon! Catch us at:

Want to attend? We’ve got a few free passes left—just let us know!

Early Access Preview II release

Following the release of EAP I, a few months of hard work and focus brought us to the next milestone—Early Access Preview II. What does that mean for you? It’s your chance to test-drive Quesma, peek under the hood, and experience firsthand how databases can be more than just repositories—they’re engines of innovation.

Ready to dive in? Check it out yourself:

git clone https://github.com/QuesmaOrg/quesma.git && docker compose -f quesma/examples/kibana-sample-data/docker-compose.yml up

For more details, check out our GitHub and Docs site. If you are interested in more thorough integration with your existing Elasticsearch environment, including ingesting data into ClickHouse, feel free to join our design partnership program here. We are looking for feedback from our early adopters to build the best product on the market!

Announcing technical partnership with Hydrolix

We were super proud to announce on Oct 10 our technical strategic partnership with Hydrolix to accelerate the transformation of log data economics. This is a great validation of our vision and big opportunity for anyone that hates high Elasticsearch bills.

Key points:

  • Hydrolix is partnering with Quesma so you can use Kibana and OpenSearch with Hydrolix.

  • With Hydrolix, you can dramatically reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) for observability and other log use cases compared to Elastic.

  • Hydrolix can complement your existing ELK stack and replace Elastic entirely for use cases involving log data.

  • Quesma builds translation layers for database platforms, making database migrations easier.

Read more here.

Our SQL invention - Pancakes

If you’ve ever worked with JOINS in SQL, you know the pain of queries that seem to pile up like an overstacked, wobbly tower of pancakes. Enter the Pancakes SQL Pattern—a term we’ve coined to describe the all-too-common situation where database performance starts to buckle under the weight of inefficiency.

We’re breaking it down for you—why it happens, how to diagnose it, and most importantly, how to fix it. Because a database that can’t run smoothly is a liability, and we’re all about eliminating friction.

Hungry for more? Read on and flatten those stacks!

Interesting reads

Keep in touch

Connect with us anytime, we’re always up for a conversation (LinkedIn, X, YT links at the bottom right of the website). Also, if you'd like to receive future editions to your inbox, fill out the form below.

Table of Contents


Table of Content


Table of Content


Table of Content


Table of Content


Table of Content


Stay tuned for feature releases, product roadmap,
support, events and more!


Stay tuned for feature releases, product roadmap,
support, events and more!


Stay tuned for feature releases, product roadmap,
support, events and more!


Stay tuned for feature releases, product roadmap,
support, events and more!


Stay tuned for feature releases, product roadmap,
support, events and more!


Stay tuned for feature releases, product roadmap,
support, events and more!


Stay tuned for feature releases, product roadmap,
support, events and more!
