Aug 22, 2024

Getting started with Quesma in 3 simple steps

Getting started with Quesma in 3 simple steps

Getting started with Quesma in 3 simple steps

Getting started with Quesma in 3 simple steps

Getting started with Quesma in 3 simple steps

Getting started with Quesma in 3 simple steps

by Pawel Brzoska

This is going to be a short blog. Not only because we prefer to spend time building great products rather than writing lengthy blogs. But, most importantly, because there’s not much to write about - setting up Quesma (thanks to GitHub and Docker) is a breeze. If you prefer to see it rather than read about it - check out this video:


You need to have GitHub (e.g. GitHub desktop) and Docker (e.g. Docker Desktop) installed on your computer.

Clone the repo and compose the image

For more detailed instructions, visit our GitHub page. The process is simple:

  1. Clone the Repo: Choose a directory and clone the Quesma repository. You can use the git clone command or the GitHub UI.

  2. Run Docker Compose: Use the provided docker-compose file to create and run a set of Docker images. This will spin up Quesma along with a complete demo environment featuring Elastic, Kibana, and ClickHouse.

If you need a help with finding the right command - take a look at our homepage:

git clone && docker compose -f

The first command clones the Quesma repo:

The second command creates and launches seven containers (we are not only running Quesma here but a full demo setup with Elastic, Kibana and ClickHouse):

You can also see that in Docker Desktop:

It is fully OK to see kibana-sidecar exit after a while.

Browse the data

You are all set. Let’s go to Kibana and browse some data: Go to http://localhost:5601

You can pick from 3 data sources - standard Kibana demo sample sets and our own “Logs Generator” sample. Feel free to use Discover and Dashboards interface, these are the main ones supported. You can also set up events.

Note - all the data comes from ClickHouse - you can check it in it’s Play interface at http://localhost:8123/play

select top 100 * from "logs-generic-default"
select top 100 * from "kibana_sample_data_flights"
select top 100 * from "kibana_sample_data_ecommerce"

If you are interested how Quesma sees these tables and how the query translation process works internally, you can access Quesma’s management interface at http://localhost:9999


Pretty neat, right? You can even ingest your own data into ClickHouse and view it in Kibana. If you’re interested in integrating Quesma into your environment, reach out to us—we’re here to help.

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